Normalizing datasets

This section will teach the different options to normalize the data using the function mutagenesis_visualization.calculate_enrichment() .

If you already have your own processing pipeline built, you can skip this section and go to the (Creating plots) examples.

Import modules and load data

%matplotlib inline
from typing import List, Dict
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame

from mutagenesis_visualization import calculate_enrichment
from mutagenesis_visualization.main.utils.data_paths import HRAS_RBD_COUNTS
from mutagenesis_visualization import Screen

Now let’s add some information about Ras.

# Define protein sequence

# First residue of the hras_enrichment dataset. Because 1-Met was not mutated, the dataset starts at residue 2
start_position: int = 2

# Substitute Nan values with 0
fillna: int = 0
# List of sheets and columns to use
sheets_pre: List[str] = ['R1_before', 'R2_before', 'R3_before']
sheets_sel: List[str] = ['R1_after', 'R2_after', 'R3_after']
columns: List[str] = ['F:BG', 'BH:DK', 'DL:FN']
columns_wt: List[str] = ['A', 'B', 'C']

# Create dictionary with data. Loading 3 replicates, each of them is divided into 3 pools
dict_pre, dict_sel, dict_pre_wt, dict_sel_wt = ({} for i in range(4))

# Read counts from file (could be txt, csv, xlsx, etc...)
for column, column_wt in zip(columns, columns_wt):
    for sheet_pre, sheet_sel in zip(sheets_pre, sheets_sel):
        # Pre counts
        label_pre = str(sheet_pre + '_' + column_wt)
        dict_pre[label_pre] = pd.read_excel(
            HRAS_RBD_COUNTS, sheet_pre, skiprows=1, usecols=column, nrows=32
        # Pre counts wild-type alleles
        dict_pre_wt[label_pre] = pd.read_excel(
            HRAS_RBD_COUNTS, sheet_pre, usecols=column_wt

        # Sel counts
        label_sel = str(sheet_sel + '_' + column_wt)
        dict_sel[label_sel] = pd.read_excel(
            HRAS_RBD_COUNTS, sheet_sel, skiprows=1, usecols=column, nrows=32
        # Sel counts wild-type alleles
        dict_sel_wt[label_sel] = pd.read_excel(
            HRAS_RBD_COUNTS, sheet_sel, usecols=column_wt

Calculate log10 enrichment

Now we are going to calculate the log10(sel/pre) for the sublibrary 1 of each replicate and plot a histogram. The resulting distribution is bimodal, and because the three replicates have a similar number of counts ratios, their center is overlapping. However, because we have not normalized by the number of counts, and there are more counts in the selected than in the pre-selected population, the center is >0.

# Auxiliar function to convert +-inf values to an arbitrary number (ie +-2)
def _replace_inf(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
    df.replace(to_replace=np.inf, value=2, inplace=True)
    df.replace(to_replace=-np.inf, value=-2, inplace=True)
    return df

aminoacids: List[str] = list('AACDEFGGHIKLLLMNPPQRRRSSSTTVVWY*')
enrichment = {}

# calculate log10 enrichment for each replicate
for pre_key, sel_key in zip(list(dict_pre.keys())[:3],
    # log 10
    enrichment_log10 = (np.log10(dict_sel[sel_key] / dict_pre[pre_key]))
    enrichment_log10['aminoacids'] = aminoacids
    enrichment_log10.set_index(['aminoacids'], inplace=True)
    enrichment[pre_key[:2]] = _replace_inf(enrichment_log10)

# Create objects
hras_object: Screen = Screen(
    list(enrichment.values()), hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position, fillna,

hras_object.kernel(show_replicates=True, kernel_color_replicates = ["b", "r", "g"], title=r'$log_{10}$' + '(sel/pre)', xscale=(-1, 1))

Centering the data (zeroing)

Functions used in this section:

Counts normalization

Normalizing by the number of counts improves normalization. Now the population center is closer to 0. To do so, set zeroing_method='counts'.

enrichment = {}
aminoacids: List[str] = list('AACDEFGGHIKLLLMNPPQRRRSSSTTVVWY*')
# calculate log10 enrichment for each replicate
for pre_key, sel_key in zip(list(dict_pre.keys())[:3],
    # Enrichment
    enrichment[pre_key[:2]] = calculate_enrichment(
        aminoacids, dict_pre[pre_key], dict_sel[sel_key], zeroing_method='counts', stopcodon=False

# Plot histogram and KDE
aminoacids: List[str] = list('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*')

hras_object: Screen = Screen(
    list(enrichment.values()), hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position, fillna,

hras_object.kernel(show_replicates=True, kernel_color_replicates = ["b", "r", "g"], title='zeroing_method = counts', xscale=(-1, 0.5))

Wt allele

Another way we can normalize is by using an internal reference such as a particular mutant. In the following example we will use the wild-type allele. If the assay that you are using is noisy, relying on a single data point for normalizing will result in high variance. The package does not include this option because it may lead to errors. Here we are showing how it would be done by hand. In this example, it works fine. But in other datasets we have, it has been a source of error.

# calculate log10 enrichment for each replicate

aminoacids: List[str] = list('AACDEFGGHIKLLLMNPPQRRRSSSTTVVWY*')
enrichment = {}

# calculate log10 enrichment for each replicate
for pre_key, sel_key in zip(list(dict_pre.keys())[:3],
    # log 10
    wt_ratio = np.log10(
        dict_sel_wt[sel_key]['wt 2-56'][1] / dict_pre_wt[pre_key]['wt 2-56'][1]
    enrichment_log10 = np.log10(
        dict_sel[sel_key] / dict_pre[pre_key]
    ) - wt_ratio
    enrichment_log10['aminoacids'] = aminoacids
    enrichment_log10.set_index(['aminoacids'], inplace=True)
    enrichment[pre_key[:2]] = _replace_inf(enrichment_log10)

hras_object: Screen = Screen(
    list(enrichment.values()), hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position, fillna,
hras_object.kernel(show_replicates=True, kernel_color_replicates = ["b", "r", "g"], title='zeroing_method = wt allele only', xscale=(-0.5, 0.5))

Distribution of synonymous wt alleles

In our experience, it is better to use the median/mode/mean of the synonymous wild-type population because there is less variance. calculate_enrichment has such an options by using zeroing_method='wt' and then zeroing_metric ='median', 'mean' or 'mode'.

enrichment = {}
aminoacids: List[str] = list('AACDEFGGHIKLLLMNPPQRRRSSSTTVVWY*')

# calculate log10 enrichment for each replicate
for pre_key, sel_key in zip(list(dict_pre.keys())[:3],
    # Enrichment
    enrichment[pre_key[:2]] = calculate_enrichment(
        zeroing_metric ='mode',

aminoacids: List[str] = list('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*')

hras_object: Screen = Screen(
    list(enrichment.values()), hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position, fillna,
hras_object.kernel(show_replicates=True, title='Sublibrary 1, zeroing_method = wt', xscale=(-1.5, 1))

Wt alleles observation

If the population of synonymous wild-type alleles (alleles that are wild-type at a protein level, but not at a DNA level) is small, the distribution of this variants may have high variance from sample to sample. Also, you will notice that not all wild-type alleles are neutral. The spread of these alleles gives a sense of the noise in the experiment.

At least for the following data, there is no correlation between the performance of wild-type alleles in different replicates, suggesting that the higher or lower enrichment scores are caused by noise and not a fitness difference caused by changes in protein expression.

hras_object.kernel(show_replicates=True, wt_counts_only=True,title='Wild-type alleles', kernel_colors=['k', 'crimson', 'dodgerblue', 'g', 'silver'], xscale=(-0.5, 1), output_file="docs/images/exported_images/hras_wildtype_distribution.png")

Perform the scatter plots:

hras_object.scatter_replicates(wt_counts_only=True,title='Wild-type alleles', xscale=(-1, 1), yscale=(-1, 1), output_file="docs/images/exported_images/hras_wildtype_scatter.png")
_images/hras_wildtype_scatter_1_vs_2.png _images/hras_wildtype_scatter_1_vs_3.png _images/hras_wildtype_scatter_2_vs_3.png

Distribution of mutants

An alternative option to normalize the data is to use the mean/median/mode of the population to some specific number such as zero. To do so, use zeroing_method='population'. The parameters of the distribution will be calculated assuming a gaussian distribution. Not only the three replicates are centered, but also they have the same spread.

enrichment = {}
aminoacids: List[str] = list('AACDEFGGHIKLLLMNPPQRRRSSSTTVVWY*')

# calculate log10 enrichment for each replicate
for pre_key, sel_key in zip(list(dict_pre.keys())[:3],
    # Enrichment
    enrichment[pre_key[:2]]  = calculate_enrichment(
        zeroing_metric ='mode',

aminoacids: List[str] = list('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*')

hras_object: Screen = Screen(
    list(enrichment.values()), hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position, fillna,
hras_object.kernel(show_replicates=True, title='zeroing_method = population', xscale=(-1, 1))

A variant of the previous method is to calculate the kernel density estimate using zeroing_method='kernel'. This option centers the population using the mode of the KDE. If the data is bimodal, it will select the main peak. Furthermore, it will use the standard deviation of the main peak to scale the data. This method is useful when you have split your library into multiple pools because it will not only center the data properly but also do scale the data so each pool main peak has the same standard deviation. Results are quite similar to setting zeroing_method='population' and zeroing_metric ='mode'.

enrichment = {}
aminoacids: List[str] = list('AACDEFGGHIKLLLMNPPQRRRSSSTTVVWY*')

# calculate log10 enrichment for each replicate
for pre_key, sel_key in zip(list(dict_pre.keys())[:3],
    # Enrichment
    enrichment[pre_key[:2]] = calculate_enrichment(
        aminoacids, dict_pre[pre_key], dict_sel[sel_key], zeroing_method='kernel', stopcodon=False

aminoacids: List[str] = list('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*')

hras_object: Screen = Screen(
    list(enrichment.values()), hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position, fillna,
hras_object.kernel(show_replicates=True, kernel_color_replicates = ["b", "r", "g"],  title='zeroing method = kernel', xscale=(-1.5,1))

Baseline subtraction

Including stop codons in the library can be of great use because it gives a control for basal signal in your assay. The algorithm has the option to apply a baseline subtraction. The way it works is it sets the stop codons counts of the selected population to 0 (baseline) and subtracts the the baseline signal to every other mutant. To use this option, set stopcodon=True. You will notice that it get rids of the shoulder peak, and now the distribution looks unimodal with a big left shoulder.

enrichment = {}
aminoacids: List[str] = list('AACDEFGGHIKLLLMNPPQRRRSSSTTVVWY*')

# calculate log10 enrichment for each replicate
for pre_key, sel_key in zip(list(dict_pre.keys())[:3],
    # Enrichment
    enrichment[pre_key[:2]] = calculate_enrichment(
        aminoacids, dict_pre[pre_key], dict_sel[sel_key], zeroing_method='kernel', stopcodon=True

aminoacids: List[str] = list('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*')

hras_object: Screen = Screen(
    list(enrichment.values()), hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position, fillna,
hras_object.kernel(show_replicates=True, kernel_color_replicates = ["b", "r", "g"], title='stop codon correction', xscale=(-5, 1.5))


By now you probably have realized that different options of normalization affect to the spread of the data. The rank between each mutant is unchanged between the different methods, so it is a matter of multiplying/dividing by a scalar to adjust the data spread. Changing the value of the parameter std_scale will do the job. You will probably do some trial an error until you find the right value. In the following example we are changing the std_scale parameter for each of the three replicates shown. Note that the higher the scalar, the higher the spread.

enrichment_scalar = {}
scalars: List[str] = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
aminoacids: List[str] = list('AACDEFGGHIKLLLMNPPQRRRSSSTTVVWY*')

# calculate log10 enrichment for each replicate
for pre_key, sel_key, scalar in zip(list(dict_pre.keys())[:3],
                                    list(dict_sel.keys())[:3], scalars):
    # Enrichment
    enrichment_log10 = calculate_enrichment(
    enrichment_scalar[pre_key[:2]] = enrichment_log10

aminoacids: List[str] = list('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*')

hras_object: Screen = Screen(
    list(enrichment_scalar.values()), hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position, fillna,
hras_object.kernel(show_replicates=True, kernel_color_replicates = ["b", "r", "g"], title='scaling', xscale=(-5, 1.5))

Multiple sublibraries

In our own research projects, where we have multiple DNA pools, we have determined that the combination of parameters that best suit us it to the wild-type synonymous sequences to do a first data normalization step. Then use zeroing_method = 'kernel' to zero the data and use stopcodon=True in order to determine the baseline level of signal. You may need to use different parameters for your purposes. Feel free to get in touch if you have questions regarding data normalization.

# Labels
labels: List[str] = ['Sublibrary 1', 'Sublibrary 2', 'Sublibrary 3']
zeroing_options: List[str] = ['population', 'counts', 'wt', 'kernel']
title: str = 'Rep-A sublibraries, zeroing_method = '

# xscale
xscales = [(-2, 1), (-2.5, 0.5), (-3.5, 1.5), (-3.5, 1.5)]
# declare dictionary
enrichment_lib = {}
df_lib = {}

for option, xscale in zip(zeroing_options, xscales):
    for pre_key, sel_key, label in zip(list(dict_pre.keys())[::3],
                                       list(dict_sel.keys())[::3], labels):
        aminoacids: List[str] = list('AACDEFGGHIKLLLMNPPQRRRSSSTTVVWY*')

        # log 10
        enrichment_lib[label]  = DataFrame(calculate_enrichment(
            zeroing_metric ='mode',

    # Concatenate sublibraries and store in dict
    df_lib[option] = pd.concat([
        enrichment_lib['Sublibrary 1'], enrichment_lib['Sublibrary 2'],
        enrichment_lib['Sublibrary 3']
    ],ignore_index=True, axis=1)

    # Plot
    aminoacids: List[str] = list('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*')

    hras_sublibrary1: Screen = Screen(
        enrichment_lib['Sublibrary 1'], hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position, fillna,
    hras_sublibrary2: Screen = Screen(
        enrichment_lib['Sublibrary 2'], hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position, fillna,
    hras_sublibrary3: Screen = Screen(
        enrichment_lib['Sublibrary 3'], hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position, fillna,
    hras_sublibrary1.multiple_kernel([hras_sublibrary2, hras_sublibrary3], label_kernels = labels, title=title + option, xscale=xscale)
_images/hras_repA_zeroingpopulation.png _images/hras_repA_zeroingcounts.png _images/hras_repA_zeroingwt.png _images/hras_repA_zeroingkernel.png


Function and class used in this section:

We are going to evaluate how does the heatmap of produced by each of the normalization methods. We are not going to scale the data, so some heatmaps may look more washed out than others. That is not an issue since can easily be changed by using std_scale.

# First we need to create the objects

# Define protein sequence

# Order of amino acid substitutions in the hras_enrichment dataset
aminoacids: List[str] = list('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*')

# First residue of the hras_enrichment dataset. Because 1-Met was not mutated, the dataset starts at residue 2
start_position: int = 2

# Create objects
objects: Dict[str, Screen] = {}
for key, value in df_lib.items():
    temp = Screen(value, hras_sequence, aminoacids, start_position)
    objects[key] = temp

Now that the objects are created and stored in a dictionary, we will use the method object.heatmap. You will note that the first heatmap (“population”) looks a bit washed out. If you look at the kernel distribution, the spread is smaller. The “kernel” and “wt” heatmaps look almost identical, while the “counts” heatmap looks all blue. This is caused by the algorithm not being able to center the data properly, and everything seems to be loss of function. That is why it is important to select the method of normalization that works with your data.

titles: List[str] = ['population', 'counts', 'wt', 'kernel']

# Create objects
for obj, title in zip(objects.values(), titles):
    obj.heatmap(title='Normalization by ' + title + ' method')
_images/hras_heatmap_norm_population.png _images/hras_heatmap_norm_counts.png _images/hras_heatmap_norm_wt.png _images/hras_heatmap_norm_kernel.png